
The SSR can be installed from packages that are available for GNU/Linux, macOS and (experimentally) MS Windows.

If none of those packages work for you, or if you want to use the latest development version, see Building the SSR from Source for instructions.

Arch Linux#

The SSR is available in the official Arch Linux repositories and can be installed using:

sudo pacman -S ssr

A package script (PKGBUILD) for the development version of the SSR, tracking the master branch, is available in the Arch User Repository (AUR). This requires to be built manually, as is explained in the following subsection.

Building and installing with makepkg#

The recommended way of building package scripts from the AUR and installing the resulting packages is to use makepkg in a manual build process.

# make sure to have the base-devel group installed
pacman -Sy base-devel
# clone the sources of the package script
git clone
# go to the directory with the package script
cd ssr-git
# make and install the package and all of its dependencies
makepkg -csi


The SSR is available as Debian package and Ubuntu package. It is called soundscaperenderer and you can install it using your favorite package manager/ package manager frontend (apt-get, aptitude, synaptic, …), all dependencies should be installed automatically.

sudo aptitude update
sudo aptitude install soundscaperenderer

If you don’t need the Graphical User Interface, there is also the GUI-less package soundscaperenderer-nox with fewer dependencies.

JACK on macOS#

Make sure that you install JACK using Homebrew. You can also obtain QJackCtl from there, which is a very useful GUI for JACK. We found unfortunately that QJackCtl does not always run stably though.

MS Windows#

The MS Windows version of SSR is experimental at this stage. Find the pre-release of the executables at Note that this SSR version only works with live inputs currently (it cannot play audio files). It has no limitation otherwise.


SSR packaging status